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Board of Directors

Wipeouts primary contact email is [email protected]

Seth Keggins- (President)

kegginsfamily at gmail.com

Joseph Jones- (Vice President)

Josephjones434 at gmail.com

Joy Tucker - (NWAL Team Representative)

Mjhlj5 at aol.com

Alicia Griffiths- (Treasurer/Registration)

wipeoutsofinverness at gmail.com

Joanne Newcomb- (Volunteer Coordinator)

joanne.newcomb at yahoo.com

Deanna Jones- (Secretary)

xoxodeannaxox at gmail.com

Dana Lewis - (Ready Bench)


Cory Davis - (Fundraising)

Clint Dulworth- (Clerk of Course/Computers)

Travis Edwards- (Equipment)

tgetx73 at yahoo.com

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